Galicnik, Macedonia

:location tourist attractionsGalicnik village

  Natural attractions \ Village \ Debar, Macedonia

  • Galicnik village

Galicnik village

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Galicnik village

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  location & map Galicnik village

elevation / altitude
1,409 meters
13.09 km from main square / Debar
latitude / longitude
41°35′39″N, 20°39′10″E

  about Galicnik village

The village is located about 10 km from the artificial lake of Mavrovo and the ski resort of Zare Lazaresvki, deep in the Mavrovo national park.
Galicnik is famous for the Galicka Svadba, a traditional and public summer wedding, held annually on the day of the village feast of the Patron Saint Petrovden (St. Peter's day). During the wedding, local men will dance the Teskoto (the hard or heavy) - a dance that is meant to symbolize the overcoming of difficulties in life.

People from Galicnik and northwestern Macedonia appreciate its mature yellow cheese kaskaval as well as the local salt brine white cheese belo sirenje. Galicnik is also famous for its local traditional architecture, including an amphitheatre in the village square, its summer Galicnik Art Colony and its countryside and nature reserve.

  photos nearby Galicnik village
