Macedonia being landlocked in the central part of the Balkans, between Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania, is very easily accessed by car, bus, or daily trains from Belgrade and Salonika.
When travel to Macedonia by car or bus - get to know about driving regulations, reqired vehicle eqipment, or bus lines.
When travel to Macedonia by train - get to know aboit railway station & railway lines.
There are only two international airports in Republic of Macedonia.
If you can't find a direct flight to Skopje and Ohrid airports, you might consider, flying to Thessaloniki airport (Mikra) or Sophia airport, which are approx. 250 km away from Skopje.
When travel to Macedonia by airplane - get to know about airport services in Macedonia and tips on arrival/departure from the airports.
From London to both Skopje & Ohrid it takes approximately 5 hours, but unfortunatelly there are no direct flights. As an additional info, flying from Skopje to Ohrid takes 7 minutes (this is a info, not a line though).
If you are a foreigner - get to know about amount of money allowed on entrance, customs, health and motorist regulations.
Visa requirement for Macedonia
Get to know if you need visa to enter Macedonia. Althought most of the E.U. and NATO membership countries do not require a visa, there are many other that do.
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