Royal wineries

:location tourist attractionsRoyal wineries

Kralski winarii
Кралски винарии

  Other attractions \ Wineries \ Demir Kapija, Macedonia

  • Royal wineries

Royal wineries

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Royal wineries

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  location & map Royal wineries

elevation / altitude
119 meters
1.01 km from main square / Demir Kapija
latitude / longitude
41°24′51″N, 22°14′1″E

  about Royal wineries

After the second Balkan war, the town of Demir Kapija became home to the royal winery and vineyards of the former Yugoslav King Alexandar Karadjordjevic.
Demir Kapija is oldest winery on Balkans, which belonged to King Karadjorjevic Aleksander and his royal family. Completely reconstructed few years before and at the moment one of the most popular winery in Macedonia and around.
Until 1995 the Royal Winery was it ownership of Povardarie Winery, and today it's privately owned.
The Demir Kapija Royal winery produces 6 different types of wines, which are branded under the name "Villa Marija". All 6 types of wines are made by different type of grapes and one of the most popular is "Villa Marija - rizling".

  photos nearby Royal wineries
