Demir Kapija | how to get in Demir Kapija - Demir Kapija transport


Demir Kapija | how to get in Demir Kapija - Demir Kapija transportDemir Kapija | how to get in Demir Kapija - Demir Kapija transport

Demir Kapija driving directions

Arriving & departing in Demir Kapija

Demir Kapija is very easy to get in. Just follow the E-75 motorway for Gevgelija, and pass by Veles, Gradsko and Negotino there is Demir Kapija some 15-20 km after Negotino.

Demir Kapija by train

There are 8 trains per day, 4 are local, and 4 are international. Half are northbound (heading to Skopje), while the other half, southbound (heading to Salonika). Demir Kapija is on the Skopje-Thessaloniki line, roughly in the middle between the two cities.

Demir Kapija by bus and taxi

Buses infrequently stop in Demir Kapija. There are also buses and van services from the nearby town of Negotino. Taxi service is inexpensive in Macedonia and another option to go where you need to quickly.