Pešterska crkva Sveti Atanasij
Пештерска црква Свети Атанасиј
Sacred heritage \ Church \ Struga, Macedonia
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Saint Atanasius cave monastery
South from the monastery of Kalista, adjacent to the surrounding rocks, quite close to the steep ridge looking toward the lake, is the cave church dedicated to the Archbishop of Alexandria - Athanasius.
The cave church is dedicated to the archbishop of Alexandria, who lived in the 4th century, and is celebrated on the January 31 old style. Ancient frescoes in the church of the second half of the 14th or first half of the 15th century.
The greatest composition of medieval fine art in the Struga district is preserved inside this church.
Although no written sources have been preserved, the stylistic notes of these frescos very clearly indicate their 14-century origin.
Observing the overall artwork and its distinctions, the preserved images of the holy characters and the few compositions of the Great Holidays reveal the talent of a skilled artist who knew his trade and who painted the famous characters from the Holy Bible with love.
Part of the artwork was painted in 19th century as well.
This cave church is about 500 meter south from the monastery Kalista, in a rock above Lake, with an entrance from the southern side, and it can be approached via stone stairs, built recently.
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