Kosturnica memorial

:location tourist attractionsKosturnica memorial

Spomen Kosturnica
Спомен Костурница

  Museums \ Memorial \ Veles, Macedonia

  • Kosturnica memorial

Kosturnica memorial

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Kosturnica memorial

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  location & map Kosturnica memorial

elevation / altitude
213 meters
0.92 km from main square / Veles
latitude / longitude
41°43′24″N, 21°47′19″E

  about Kosturnica memorial

The Kosturnica represents a Memorial from the Second World War. It's a strange, cement, cracked-egg-shaped structure. It symbolizes a German helman of the Second World War, broken in four pieces.
There is a museum inside this building, where the exhibits and documents tell the history of the town during that period.

  photos nearby Kosturnica memorial
