Makedonium - Ilinden memorial

:location tourist attractionsMakedonium - Ilinden memorial

Makedonium spomenik
Македониум споменик

  Museums \ Memorial \ Krusevo, Macedonia

  • Makedonium - Ilinden memorial

Makedonium - Ilinden memorial

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Makedonium - Ilinden memorial

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  location & map Makedonium - Ilinden memorial

elevation / altitude
1,265 meters
1.08 km from main square / Krusevo
latitude / longitude
41°22′39″N, 21°14′54″E

  about Makedonium - Ilinden memorial

The Makedonium is a symbol of the town, built on the highest area in the town called Gumenje. It's a monument of the Macedonian statehood and a memorial of the Ilinden rebellion.
The Makedonium is a symbols that represents a synonym for Krusevo.

  photos nearby Makedonium - Ilinden memorial
