Tetovo | how to get in Tetovo - Tetovo transport


Tetovo | how to get in Tetovo - Tetovo transportTetovo | how to get in Tetovo - Tetovo transport

Tetovo driving directions

Arriving & departing in Tetovo

Tetovo is accessed by E-65 from Skopje, Gostivar and Prishtina. It has a good regional road to Jazince border point (22km).

Tetovo by train (railway)

Trains also connect Tetovo to with Skopje and Gostivar. The railway station is 20 min walking from the downtown, near the bus station (in the eastern part of the town).

Tetovo by bus

The bus station is some 20 min by walking from the downtown (Marshal Tito square). Buses connect Tetovo with Skopje, Kumanovo, Gostivar, Kicevo, Ohrid and Struga, and can be found almost on every hour. The city is also connected though buses with Prishtina.

Tetovo taxi

Taxis are available throughout the city and can be found almost at every corner, 24 hours a day. Taxi in Tetovo is very cheap.

Most taxistst are honest and cabs should be metered. Expect some drivers to refuse to take you to nearby places!

Tetovo public transport

The only choice for public transportation in Tetovo is by public buses. The company "Polet" is responsible for it. Bus tickets never exceeded the price of 0.5 EUR. To the villages you can get a private taxi service or a bus.